2018 has 20 new members! Here are the latest five and what they can do for you! If you've listened to 97 Rock, 1033 The Edge, or 104.1 Classic Hits during your morning commute, you've listened to stations provided by one of our newest Chamber Members, Cumulus ! Cumulus reaches 245 million people per week. Their reach in WNY and beyond is incredible! Welcome to the Cheektowaga Chamber of Commerce! Shannon Connor's Fitness recently joined our Chamber as well! Shannon is a fitness guru focusing on group fitness, personal training, nutrition, kids fitness and online exercise. Located on Transit in Depew, Shannon Connor's Fitness might be just what you need to jump start your exercise routine! Thank you for your support of the Cheektowaga Chamber of Commerce! Mollenberg Betz is a century-old (yes, you read that right!), Buffalo-based mechanical contractor specializing in refrigeration, plumbing, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, industri...
Cheektowaga Chamber of Commerce